Redazione - Direttore: Gianluca Navarra - Capo redattore Roby Randelli - Redattori - Daniele Balestra, Simone Valenti, Roberta Del Buono, Valeria Romano, Renato Pesenti, Marilù Presta.
sabato 6 novembre 2021
“IL BRIGANTE” Album della band musicale romana dei DESHEDUS Prodotto da Mauro Paoluzzi Edizioni musicali Warner Music - Divinazione Music
“LE STAGIONI E GLI ADDII” Il nuovo singolo di STEFANO SANTORO Disponibile in tutti i Digital Stores Pubblicato dall’etichetta: Paf Lab
Il nuovo singolo di
Disponibile in tutti i Digital Stores
Pubblicato dall’etichetta: Paf Lab
La vena malinconica e romantica di Stefano Santoro torna protagonista con un nuovo singolo dal titolo “Le Stagioni e gli Addii” disponibile in tutti i Digital Stores su etichetta Paf Lab.
Una canzone autobiografica e carica di emozione, scritta in un momento particolare della vita dell’artista. Ed è proprio questo il marchio distintivo di Santoro: trasformare in musica storie ed esperienze da lui vissute.
Il brano, infatti, racconta l’allontanamento della sua amica d’infanzia che, per dare una svolta alla sua vita, ha deciso di trasferirsi dall’altra parte dell’Italia. Un vero e proprio “malinconico inno alla vita”, come lui stesso afferma.
Questo cambiamento così profondo ci insegna come, nella vita, bisogna rispettare le scelte altrui accettando che non sempre gli “addii” rappresentano la fine di una relazione, ma l’inizio di una nuova avventura, come l’arrivo di una nuova stagione.
Tieni duro quando i tuoi occhi / saran colmi di pianto per le scelte di noi /
rispetta le stagioni e gli addii / perchè ogni volta si apre un nuovo mondo per te
Testo, musica e arrangiamento sono stati curati e prodotti interamente da Stefano Santoro. Il brano, invece, è stato registrato, mixato e masterizzato da Flavio Bargna presso la Paf Lab di Sesto San Giovanni. Un ringraziamento speciale va al suo amico e collaboratore Daniele Piazza che è riuscito a comporre ciò che il cantante aveva in mente per la copertina: lo sguardo e il sorriso puro di Cristina, la bambina che lo ha ispirato a scrivere il brano, contrapposto a momenti di malinconia nati da scelte di vita che, spesso e volentieri, allontanano quei sorrisi e quella voglia di curiosità che caratterizzano la nostra infanzia e la nostra gioventù.
Savà Creative Productions
November 18, 2021
8.45 pm
on tour with a comic Shakespearean dilemma
written by Giovanni Vernia and Paolo Uzzi
collaboration with Pablo Solari texts
directed by Giampiero Solari and Paola Galassi
The curtains reopen in the theaters of Italy and one of the funniest shows is back on stage, which
takes inspiration from a Shakespearean dilemma, revisited in a comic key: after the success of
previous tour, Giovanni Vernia returns to the stage with his VERNIA O NON VERNIA.
For those who think they know Giovanni, “Vernia or non Vernia” is the showman's ace in the hole
that in this show displaces and, alone on stage, manages to build fun starting from
any pretext, to the point of asking: is it him or is it not him? We really know everything about
A 20-date tour to celebrate Giovanni's return to the scene with the best smile
he comments like this: “We finally start again! I can not wait to go back to pamper the public, to make them
forget every problem for two hours. Pure fun. We deserve it. And just in case
however you don't like the show, don't worry because in the lockdown I learned how to make pizzas,
at least in the end we eat ".
Giovanni Vernia is truly a talent of Italian comedy, which always gives confirmation
of its expressive versatility to the spectators, the fans, the many aficionados of the characters who,
over the years, he has performed, starting with Jonny Groove. Thanks to its versatility and ability to
try his hand at several fields, he is also the author of his show, written together with Paolo Uzzi (to the texts he
also collaborated with Pablo Solari).
It tells the news with irony through multiple artistic forms and ranging from different projects
nature but often collateral: radio host, television personality, actor for the theater e
for cinema, he is also a sui generis influencer, capable of becoming the opinion leader of laughter
better, the one that arises from the always original satire of customs and / or politics. On Youtube
periodically he launches his videos and viral formats, such as “How to become Italian” and “One day
you'll understand ”, very popular with the web audience; on Facebook it has 2 million followers and on Instagram
Giovanni is in the mood "if I laugh I'm fine, if you laugh I'm fine". He recently landed
also on Tik Tok with one of his most glamorous characters, Jonny Groove, who returns to the track later
more than a year of absence from the disc.
THE SHOW. Vernia or non Vernia is the real theatrical novelty. Anyone who knows Giovanni
Vernia associates his name with the irresistible masks with which he conquered TV and the web. In this
show the artist tells where his comic madness comes from. His is an inner demon, that
he begins to appear as a child, stimulated by the Genoa in which he grew up and the extravagant ones
Apulian and Sicilian relatives. It is a kind of mischievous sprite, which manifests itself more and more
intrusive during his engineering career, forcing him to become a professional comedian.
This new show is an exercise in intelligent lightness, where personal history
of the artist is superimposed on a very entertaining but acute journey through the commonplaces of these
strange modern times. The result is a complete showman, who sweeps with ease from the story
to parody, from singing to dancing, creating a unique and engaging relationship with the public.
Giovanni Vernia is an actor, TV presenter and radio speaker, comedian by profession alias
giver of daily laughter. He is the only Italian artist to have an entire comedy show in
English language "How to become Italian" in which he teaches, in an ironic key, the vices and virtues of Italians to
foreigners (the debut was scheduled for May 2020 in New York and postponed due
of the ongoing health crisis). Protagonist of a real exploit on television with Jonny
Groove in the years of "Zelig", Vernia is unstoppable and over the years has continued to renew itself, up to
also have great success on the web, where it boasts millions of followers. Just for the
ability to tell about oneself, to always communicate in an authentic but surreal way at the same time,
has launched fun and innovative viral projects, such as #Ancheioshowacasa, a social show born
during the first lockdown: a home-made format with the characteristics of a real TV show
which has gained great popularity translated into millions of views and press attention.
Also worth mentioning are the periodic publications of videos on Facebook and Instagram “One day
you'll understand ”: the million-click column in which the actor explains the paradoxical current events to his son
of our country, making an original satire of customs and / or politics; and the most recent “News
Cantata ”, a column by the public and by professionals, a lot in which the artist skillfully succeeds in
translate, on the night of famous songs, the most controversial current events, which magically become
funny. From engineer for a multinational to comedian by profession, but also a singer,
dancer, Giovanni did not miss anything during his career! The television audience,
after having loved it for the most hilarious imitations in Tale and Which Show, he then found it in several
occasions, last of all, this year, is the PrimaFestival, the only program dedicated to the story
of the background of the event broadcast on Rai1, which Giovanni conducted together with
Giovanna Civitillo e Valeria Graci.
Vittorio Sgarbi al Teatro Manzoni di Milano - DANTE GIOTTO -
From 23 to 28 November 2021 weekdays at 8.45 pm - Sunday at 3.30 pm CORVINO PRODUZIONI presents